Your Life.

Ready to stop letting fear and “what ifs” dictate your life?

These are real thoughts from real people.

We call them Strangling Business Beliefs. Can you identify?

I’m afraid to fail.

I just can’t.

I’m not good enough.

I’m not worthy.

I’m not smart enough.

I can’t leave. The kids. The money.

I’m too old to start over.

I am secure and content. Why take the risk?

Now’s not the right time.

The world is too uncertain. It makes me uncomfortable.

Life isn’t simple. It’s more complicated than ever.

Noise fills your head. The weeds of fear and doubt choke your heart.

You’re stuck in the muck. Yet you think you’re courageous for sticking.

You get caught up in people and circumstances.

You’re stuck in the past.

You’re living small because it’s safe.

The truth? You’re withering away, dying on the vine.

Ready to thrive?

We often view change as being scary or something to fear. Does it have to be?  

Sondra Imperati, Founder and CEO of Persistent Courage has been through just about every life change there is.

She knows what it’s like to experience the debilitating fear of the unknown or to overthink all the “what ifs” in life.

From personal experience she knows it doesn’t have to be this way.

While there’s going to be natural tension that arises during transformation, you can flourish, and bask in the sunlight of fun and freedom on your journey.

We can help you remove the weeds of fear and doubt offering strategies and tools to see your life grow and bear fruit in ways you never dreamed of.